What is WEC Core?

Two-Year Short Term Missions Program
WEC Core is one of 3 short-term programs run by the WEC USA Short-Term Department. WEC Core involves a two-year commitment to work with a WEC team. It is for anyone who is serious about Jesus Christ, considering long-term missions but is not quite ready to make that commitment.
Some would classify WEC Core as mid-term missions, but in WEC it falls under short-term missions. We’ve nicknamed this program “hard-core” short-term missions. It’s for anyone who is willing to join one of our WEC teams for two years and is open to explore the possibility of a long-term commitment to missions with WEC or another mission organization.
Distinctives of WEC Core
There are three facets to WEC Core we hope you will assimilate:
Objectives of WEC Core
The practical outworking of a two-year WEC Core program would accomplish the following objectives:
Becoming grounded in WEC’s ethos through joining the 3 month long-term candidates’ orientation at the USA Headquarters—offered twice a year.
Building a cultural IQ while serving abroad.
Developing proficiency in the local language of the people you are serving.
Building an identity in the community (being able to answer the question, “Why are you here?”).
Who should join WEC Core?

We are looking for people who are serious about long-term missions but not quite ready to make that kind of commitment.
If you’ve finished your schooling and want to use your skills to serve God for two years, WEC Core is the program for you. We are looking for mature Christians who are at least 20 years old.
If you’re from the USA and are interested in WEC Core, fill in and submit the Contact Form and we’ll contact you.
If you don’t live in the USA, you can apply through the WEC Short-Term office nearest you.
More about WEC USA’s Short-Term Programs
WEC Trek sends out individuals who are 18 years or older for 3-12 months for a missions discipleship experience.
Discovery sends out individuals 18 years or older as individuals for less than 3 months or on Discovery Teams for 2-6 weeks to explore the world of missions.
DIVE INTO is one of WEC’s short-term mission programs, designed for young people aged 18 to 35. These programs range from 2-12 weeks. DIVERS come from all over the world to become one team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Have more questions about what the Core, Trek & Discovery short-term programs are like? Read more about them on the next page.
What are the Core, Trek & Discovery short-term trips like? Click to find out more about what happens on these trips.