Is God Calling You?
Is God calling you to serve Him cross-culturally for a longer period of time? We are here to journey with you as you pursue His leading.
Am I Ready?
Here are some of the things to consider:

I have a relationship with Jesus and I believe God is calling me to cross-cultural ministry.
I have been actively involved with a church which affirms God’s calling and is ready to send me out.
I have read and agree with WEC’s Core Principles and Statement of Faith
I am financially responsible and ready to trust the Lord for all of my financial needs.
I have knowledge of the Bible, have done some Bible training (either formal or informal), and apply it in everyday life.
I live my life in a God honoring way in my current profession.
I’ve had purposeful cross-cultural experience.
My spouse can also affirm these statements and intends to serve with WEC (if applicable).
If the above statements apply to you, you may be ready to serve for more than 2 years with WEC!
The Journey with WEC

What are the steps in your application process?
After talking with us, we’ll send you a first application which will ask for some basic information and the names of several people who can fill out a reference. If it looks like WEC and you are a good fit, we will send you a second application to get to know you better. We will also contact your church to confirm their readiness to send you out.
What are the steps in your application process?
After talking with us, we’ll send you a first application which will ask for some basic information and the names of several people who can fill out a reference. If it looks like WEC and you are a good fit, we will send you a second application to get to know you better. We will also contact your church to confirm their readiness to send you out.

What happens after the application process?
Once we have received your applications and feedback from your church, a small committee will prayerfully review those. If we are in agreement that the Lord is leading you to serve with us, you will be invited to attend our Candidate Orientation (called “CO”).
What happens after the application process?
Once we have received your applications and feedback from your church, a small committee will prayerfully review those. If we are in agreement that the Lord is leading you to serve with us, you will be invited to attend our Candidate Orientation (called “CO”).

What is CO?
CO (Candidate Orientation) is WEC’s 3½ month long orientation and training for our new members. This currently takes place 2 times a year at our WEC USA Branch headquarters just outside of Philadelphia.
What is CO?
CO (Candidate Orientation) is WEC’s 3½ month long orientation and training for our new members. This currently takes place 2 times a year at our WEC USA Branch headquarters just outside of Philadelphia.

Where will I live during CO?
We have the joy of living as a community here at our headquarters. Your housing will be in a furnished guest apartment or room, and you will be able to rub shoulders with our staff, their families, and visiting missionaries. You will join right in with us as we share responsibilities and enjoy some meals together.
Where will I live during CO?
We have the joy of living as a community here at our headquarters. Your housing will be in a furnished guest apartment or room, and you will be able to rub shoulders with our staff, their families, and visiting missionaries. You will join right in with us as we share responsibilities and enjoy some meals together.

What happens during CO?
Classes! Every weekday morning, and several afternoons, you will have classes and activities led by experienced WEC members, which are designed to prepare you for cross-cultural service. You will also be joining our Staff for worship, prayer and reports from workers around the world. Several afternoons a week, you will get to know us by doing some practical work alongside of us. One of the highlights of the orientation is a week of inner-city ministry in Philadelphia.
What happens during CO?
Classes! Every weekday morning, and several afternoons, you will have classes and activities led by experienced WEC members, which are designed to prepare you for cross-cultural service. You will also be joining our Staff for worship, prayer and reports from workers around the world. Several afternoons a week, you will get to know us by doing some practical work alongside of us. One of the highlights of the orientation is a week of inner-city ministry in Philadelphia.

What topics do your classes cover?
We cover a variety of topics purposefully designed to grow you spiritually and help you prepare for cross-cultural ministry. Some of these topics are: Church Planting, Spiritual Warfare, Cross-Cultural Communication and Adaptation, Working on a Multi-Cultural Team, Language Learning and Adaptation, Guarding your Health, WEC Core Values, Missional Business, Team Vision and Goals, Discovering Your Team Role Preferences and Personality Type … and many more!
What topics do your classes cover?
We cover a variety of topics purposefully designed to grow you spiritually and help you prepare for cross-cultural ministry. Some of these topics are: Church Planting, Spiritual Warfare, Cross-Cultural Communication and Adaptation, Working on a Multi-Cultural Team, Language Learning and Adaptation, Guarding your Health, WEC Core Values, Missional Business, Team Vision and Goals, Discovering Your Team Role Preferences and Personality Type … and many more!

What will my children do during CO?
During CO, your children will enter into our community life and participate in a program designed to help them transition into cross-cultural ministry.
What will my children do during CO?
During CO, your children will enter into our community life and participate in a program designed to help them transition into cross-cultural ministry.

At what point will I be accepted to serve with WEC?
Living here with us will give you a real experience of how WEC works so that you can decide if the Lord is calling you to serve with us. You will go through a series of checkpoints and discussions as we seek to discern the Lord’s will along with you. At the end of your orientation, if you believe that God is leading you into the fellowship of WEC and we are in agreement, you will be officially accepted as a New Member! We celebrate that important step with a special service called the Right Hand of Fellowship, and you will be able to invite your friends and churches to come and celebrate with you.
At what point will I be accepted to serve with WEC?
Living here with us will give you a real experience of how WEC works so that you can decide if the Lord is calling you to serve with us. You will go through a series of checkpoints and discussions as we seek to discern the Lord’s will along with you. At the end of your orientation, if you believe that God is leading you into the fellowship of WEC and we are in agreement, you will be officially accepted as a New Member! We celebrate that important step with a special service called the Right Hand of Fellowship, and you will be able to invite your friends and churches to come and celebrate with you.

What happens after CO?
Once you become a New Member with WEC, you will continue to prepare to leave for your country of service until the Lord opens the door for you to go. This could include things like sharing your vision with your church(es), trusting the Lord for the financial support you need, visiting family and friends, applying for your visa, and making travel arrangements. Our USA Directors and staff are here to help you in any way we can, and to pray with you through this preparation time.
What happens after CO?
Once you become a New Member with WEC, you will continue to prepare to leave for your country of service until the Lord opens the door for you to go. This could include things like sharing your vision with your church(es), trusting the Lord for the financial support you need, visiting family and friends, applying for your visa, and making travel arrangements. Our USA Directors and staff are here to help you in any way we can, and to pray with you through this preparation time.